Sacramento Dharma Center is created by dana, or generosity – your generosity. We all benefit from your dana of service and funding. From the founding donors to SDC’s initial Capital Campaign, to volunteers who rake, dig, blow, sweep, and mulch the grounds, and wash down counters and clean, to those who meet and make decisions – such as our new Green Policy, with protection of the earth as a criteria for our supplies – Thank you!!
Right now we ask your help for our end-of-year appeal, to meet the operating and special expenses that arise from using the building. New lamps and coat trees, storage shelves, more chairs, utilities, insurance and many more costs must be met. While Sustaining Sangha rents cover about 1/3rd of our costs, the Dharma Center depends on generous individuals like you to cover the remaining 2/3rd of our costs. We currently have no programs that bring in additional income.
Please become a part of the SDC Sustaining Circle, if you haven’t already. We need new sustainers to raise an additional $1800/month, in order to keep rents as low as possible for our Sanghas. Visit our website Contribute page to sign up today! If you currently donate monthly, please consider increasing the amount – and enjoy the matching generosity that results:
Two of our dedicated donors have pledged up to
$10,000 to match all new and increased sustaining gifts for three months!
Whatever amount you can give each month helps us pay the bills and budget for a marvelous future. This coming spring our three Sanghas will participate in an envisioning process planning for that future for our building and grounds.
Many of us are feeling blown about as we meet the inner and outer winds of change in our country and the world. How wonderful it is that the Dharma Center is here for all of our community to come together, and here for those in search for equanimity and compassion! We are so grateful for each of you.