For several years, SDC has had its eye on a property on 24th St., across from Sierra Two Community Center. Once we knew it was coming available, we promptly toured the property and engaged a highly experienced and determined broker, Robert Rosenberg, to assess how it might meet our needs. It’s an ideal size and location, accessible, safe, with public transportation, good parking, and a café nearby. The building had stood empty for several years, while the owners, the Lions Club Foundation, decided what to do with it. We have begun to energetically explore all possibilities.
Join us in enthusiasm tempered by “don’t know mind”, as we begin these steps right away: investigate the condition of the property, including a parking area with potential environmental issues; consider how to obtain the necessary “assembly use” permit, requiring approval of neighbors and up to 6 months of City processing; and determine financing strategies, private loans, and whether we can demonstrate a dependable flow of income to meet monthly costs. Many steps, walking together, are needed to manifest a dharma center!