SDC ~ Grounds Committee Workday
SDC Grounds Committee Landscape Maintenance Workday The Grounds Committee meets on the third Sunday from 8-10 AM before the SBMG weekly meeting. Extreme heat or rain cancels. Some tools provided. There are tasks for all abilities to contribute to enhancing the beauty of the Dharma Center grounds. For more information contact Julie DeHart at
SDC ~ Community Event
SDC Community Event Meets in Library and West Lobby For more informatio contact Sarah O’Gara at
SDC ~ Family Sangha (In person)
Family Sangha invites parents and relatives to bring their children, ages 3-14, for a program of mindfulness, art, and nature dharma, guided by Buddhist teachings of kindness and generosity. Meets in the West Wing including the main lobby, library, board and teacher rooms. For more information contact