SIM Monthly Retreat
This event is a placeholder for the SIM monthly retreat. See the SIM website for current information about the teacher and schedule which may vary from month to month.
See SIM Website for more information.
Each Saturday retreat may begin with a period of mindful movement that can be done by anyone, regardless of their current physical condition. This is followed by periods of sitting and walking meditation, questions and answers on meditation practice, lunch and a rest period, a talk on a selected topic, and a discussion. We encourage participation for the full day of practice on these Saturdays. Bring your lunch and plan to stay on-site. If circumstances only allow for your attendance for a half day—either the morning or afternoon—please come. Let the instructor leading the day know that you will be leaving early. Retreats are held on the last Saturday of each month. Everyone is welcome, on a drop-in basis, regardless of your particular meditation practice experience or tradition.