How you can help

Monthly Expenses:
Includes mortgage and interest, insurance, salaries, utilities, bookkeeping, janitorial, gardening, internet, security, and other services.
Monthly Rental Income:
As of August 2024, the three Sustaining Sanghas’ rents meet 53% of monthly 2024 budgeted operating expenses.
Monthly Sustaining Donations:
The balance of SDC’s expenses are met by generous donors who offer not only financial, but in-kind and volunteer support.
A heart-felt “Thank you” to the sustaining donors who support the Sacramento Dharma Center through a monthly donation. Those donations keep the lights on, heat and cool the air as the seasons change, pay the janitor who vacuums the Meditation Hall, our part-time office manager who oversees our bills and banking as well as stocks the kitchen and bathrooms with supplies throughout the year.
In November 2024 we celebrate the eighth year in our Dharma home. Thank you for all the ways you support the Center with your time and financial contributions.
Donate by check to:
Sacramento Dharma Center
3111 Wissemann Drive
Sacramento CA 95816
via credit card by clicking DONATE
Appreciated assets are one tax-efficient method of making a gift. Another option for those who are eligible is a qualified charitable distribution (QCD) from an individual retirement account(IRA). For more information email the Dharma Center office manager at
Sacramento Dharma Center
is a 501(c) 3 charitable non-profit organization.
EIN 45-5199338
One of our deepest joys is that your generosity allows us to be generous. Through you we are able to work in the service of the welfare of all beings.
Our Needs
One of our deepest joys is that your generosity supports the temple where our three Sustaining Sanghas—Sacramento Buddhist Meditation Group, Sacramento Insight Meditation and Valley Streams Zen Sangha offer the dharma to the community. The Sacramento Dharma Center Board thanks everyone who has contributed over the years to the campaigns that paid for improvements to our building and grounds. Your generosity allowed us to remodel the west end; add a new roof and solar panels; landscape the north garden; plant 13 new drought-tolerant trees, as well as maintain the building and yard. Generous donors provided a ceramic tile building sign, AV equipment, thangkas, and interior Buddhist art.
Our monthly expenses were met initially through the combination of sangha rents and recurring monthly donations. Despite recent increases in sangha rents, our operating expenses now exceed our monthly income. Reducing our mortgage balance—and ideally, paying off the mortgage entirely—should lessen future sangha rent increases. However, long-term financial stability lies with you becoming a sustaining donor.
Please consider a becoming a sustaining donor and also contribute to the Mortgage Pay Down campaign to secure a healthy financial future for the Sacramento Dharma Center. Mail your check to:
Sacramento Dharma Center
3111 Wissemann Drive
Sacramento CA 95816
via a credit card by clicking DONATE
Appreciated assets are also a tax-efficient method of making a gift. For more information, email the Sacramento Dharma Center office manager at
Sacramento Dharma Center
is a 501(c) 3 charitable non-profit organization.
EIN 45-5199338Z
May all beings be happy. May they live in safety and joy. All living beings, whether weak or strong, tall or short, seen or unseen, near or distant, born or to be born, may they all be happy.
Want to volunteer your time and talents? Contact us.
The Sacramento Dharma Center needs you!
Even an hour a month is helpful.
Office and yard work, computer skills, financial expertise and building maintenance are all needed.
We also need people to volunteer for
SDC Board representative, member-at-large, or assistant office manager.
Volunteers benefit not just the Dharma Center, but the whole community.
Speak to a SDC Board representative
or email the office manager at