Remaining Closed
Following government COVID-19 guidelines, our Center will remain closed through at least May 1.
Because of the changing nature of this crisis, the Sacramento Dharma Center Board (in collaboration with the resident sanghas) will continue to reassess the closure status weekly.
Whenever reopening is permitted and advisable, we will let you know how it will be implemented.
We will get through this!
Still Standing
The good news is that the Sacramento Dharma Center building is still being maintained (in accord with safety protocols) and will be ready to go when the time comes to reopen.
Our landscaping contractor is still able to cut the grass and blow off the parking lot twice a month as usual. Because we have suspended monthly volunteer workdays, we are expanding the area that he mows to now include the entire backyard.
Our Sustaining Sanghas have made a startlingly rapid transition to the virtual realm and have been able to continue to offer many of their programs and classes with the aid of technology.
For the most up-to-date info, check the SDC and sangha websites:
- Sacramento Dharma Center sacdharma.org,
- Sacramento Buddhist Meditation Group sbmg.org,
- Sacramento Insight Meditation sactoinsight.org
- Valley Streams Zen Sangha valleystreamszen.org.
Yard Work Opportunities
Spring has sprung at the Center, and nature is quickly finding its way through all the cracks. Group workdays remain on hold, but we are inviting interested individuals to come by when they can and take on a few light outdoor tasks.
We ask volunteers to bring their own tools and abide by social distancing requirements if anyone else is there.
When an individual must enter the building, that individual is asked to observe the instructions for disinfection of all surfaces touched.* Also, please do not use the kitchen or breakroom.
Some ideas about the tasks you could do:
-Weeding—anywhere you see them, but especially in the landscaped beds, in the non-planted areas under the trees, and in cracks in the sidewalk and parking lot.
-Sweeping sidewalks. Picking up any trash. Putting fir bark back in the planters.
-Deadheading the camellias and other flowering plants that need it.
-Weeding the rows of compost in the far backyard. Weeding the sidewalk and area next to it by the area north of the building.
Coming Soon – A New Roof
Our Center will be sporting a new shingled roof by the end of June. The contract has been signed and we are waiting our turn in the roofer’s line. Thank you to all those who contributed to our recent fundraising campaign!
If you are able, please continue to contribute to your sangha and to Sacramento Dharma Center during this very unusual time.
There is much need out there right now and many worthy causes. Please bear us in mind if you have received the government stimulus and are considering which charities to support. You can donate at sacdharma.org.
* Cleaning Guidelines:
Disinfection of all surfaces touched includes, but is not liminted to: door handles light switches, faucets, counters, tools, untensils, alarm pads, and any other shared surface such as chairs, tables, benches, bells, window covering in offices, restrooms and meeting rooms. The easiest way to avoid having to disinfect is to touch as little as possible.
Approved disinfectants will be found in a box on a table in the break room. Please use only these materials for this purpose. Discard used paper towels and take any rags or cloths home and launder in hot water with detergent.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reply here or contact us at info@sacdharma.org.